"Reiki is one of many forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) recognized by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. CAM is defined as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.In December 2008, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Center for Health Statistics released findings on Americans' use of CAM, based on information from 23,393 adults 18 and older and 9,417 children 17 and younger. According to the study, about 38 percent of adults and 12 percent of children are using some form of CAM." ~ http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20100313/APC0404/3130523

This is a very large study showing that almost 40%  of adults in the US are using some sort of complementary alternative medicine. It is important to note that these therapies be viewed as complementary and should never replace a hospital or doctors visit for someone who is seriously ill or hurt.

What CAM can do, for example, is offer an alternative for many people who don't want to take pain medication for the rest of their lives. There can be some terrible side effects and if the pain can be managed by a few Reiki treatments a month, why not?

There is a definite growth in the amount of people willing to go outside the box when it comes to treating what ails them. What would be interesting is to see what is causing this growth. There are definitely more people speaking out about it, such as the Dr. Oz video on my homepage. Maybe that will be the subject of my next entry....until then I wish you well.

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